
About Us

Painting the interior or exterior of your home or office is sure to be labor intensive and time consuming, and can sometimes become complicated and involved beyond your level of experience. The professionals at Moises Paintings Painting understand that every job requires preparation, the right tools, skilled labor, and knowledge about the different products applied, surfaces areas, and techniques used.


Interior painting can help spruce up the look of a room, repair any damage to walls or ceilings, and help generally improve the aesthetics and feeling of the inside of a home or office.
When you hire Texas Star Painting for an interior painting, you can rely on us to do any necessary repairs to your walls, cabinets, trim, baseboards and more. Then, once your room is in good shape, we will prep the surfaces to be painted — and do a high-quality, careful painting job.


The outside of your house or property is as important as the inside. Not only does the way your house or office look on the outside affect how you feel about it, but it can also define curb appeal. The condition of the exterior of your property can also affect how safe and secure the building is — and whether your family or team is safe inside.
If you want to make sure the exterior of your building in the Frederick area is in great shape, get in touch with Moises Paintings Painting. We can examine the condition of the exterior, then determine if you need any repairs or whether a simple paint job will do.
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Moises paintings LLC is based on a very simple premise – provide world-class painting service with a hometown feel and prices that are reasonable for our local clients.
During our time in Frederick, we’ve not only completed countless impeccable interior and exterior painting jobs, but we’ve also made quite a few friends along the way.

Painting& Renovations

For us, the quality of your home or business’s paint job and the professional service we deliver are our calling cards. If you like what we do, and we believe you will, then you’ll be happy to recommend us to others in the Los Angeles area.



How We Work

I understand that your home is one of your largest investments. That’s why I make sure everyone on the Moises paintings team is an experienced, well-trained, clean and courteous professional. In fact, all of my crew leaders have been with me for more than 3 years – and have over 18 years cumulative painting experience each. That translates into a consistent and dependable paint job on every house we do! We never require a deposit and only collect payment after you are fully satisfied.
